Cheddar News correspondent Shannon LaNier hits the courts to try his hand at America's fastest-growing sport, pickleball.
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Coach Sues Northwestern University for Wrongful Termination
Coach Sues Northwestern University for Wrongful Termination
AT&T and Gallaudet University Unveil a Football Helmet for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Quarterbacks
AT&T and Gallaudet University have developed a football helmet for players who are deaf or hard of hearing and communicate using American Sign Language.
NFL Hall of Famer Dick Butkus Dies at 80
NLF legend Dick Butkus has passed away at the age of 80.
Fired Northwestern Football Coach Pat Fitzgerald Is Suing School for $130M for Wrongful Termination
Former Northwestern University football coach Pat Fitzgerald is suing the school for $130 million, saying his alma mater wrongfully fired him in the wake of a hazing and abuse scandal that has engulfed the athletic department.
World Cup 2030 Games to Be Played in Europe, Africa and South America
FIFA announced that Spain, Portugal and Morroco will host the 2030 World Cup while some games will be played in South America to mark 100 years since the first World Cup was played in Uruguay.
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Former NFL Player Among Dead in Plane Crash
Former NFL Player Among Dead in Plane Crash
Simone Biles Makes History at World Championship
Simone Biles made history again at the World Gymnastic Championship in Belgium on Sunday.
Twin Cities Marathon Canceled for Excessive Heat
The temperature in Minneapolis-St. Paul reached 92 degrees on Sunday, about 35 degrees warmer than the average Oct. 1 high of 57.