Severe thunderstorms hit southern Michigan on Wednesday, downing trees in the area and leaving about 180,000 households without power.
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Thousands Protest APEC Forum in San Francisco
Thousands took to the streets in San Francisco to protest the kickoff of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperations Summit.

Helicopter Crash Kills 5 U.S. Service Members
A helicopter crash has killed five U.S. service members in the Mediterranean Sea.

Unsanitary Manufacturing Contaminates Eye Drops
Unsanitary Manufacturing Contaminates Eye Drops

Jury Finds Former Baltimore Prosecutor Guilty of Perjury
A jury found ex-Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby guilty of two counts of perjury after she lied about the finances of a side business to improperly access retirement funds during the pandemic to purchase two Florida homes.

On A Positive Note: NJ Cop Delivers Baby on Bathroom Floor
Cop delivers a baby girl on a bathroom floor.

On A Positive Note: Local Man Surprises Kid With Cancer
Caught being kind.

Actor Jared Leto Scales Empire State Building
Actor Jared Leto Scales Empire State Building

Stretching Your Dollar: Donate Beyond Your Dollar
Donating beyond your dollar.

One Good Thing: Canadian Baby Born at Nearly 15 Pounds
One good thing.