A study says a five-minute light walk can alleviate the effects of sitting at a desk all day.
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Cheddar Weather: Friday Forecast, Weekend Outlook
Study Finds Playing With Dolls Develops Social Skills
Study Finds Playing With Dolls Develops Social Skills
Study Finds Covid Raises Risk of Heart Inflammation
Study Finds Covid Raises Risk of Heart Inflammation
Last Night Was the Final Supermoon of the Year
Last Night Was the Final Supermoon of the Year
Cheddar Weather: Friday Morning Forecast
Cheddar Weather: Friday Morning Forecast
FDA Advisers Vote Against Experimental ALS Treatment Pushed By Patients
Federal health advisers voted overwhelmingly against an experimental treatment for Lou Gehrig’s disease at a Wednesday meeting prompted by years of patient efforts seeking access to the unproven therapy.
Biden to Send Disaster Assistance to Louisiana, as Salt Water Threatens the State's Drinking Water
President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that federal disaster assistance is available for Louisiana, which is working to slow a mass inflow of salt water creeping up the Mississippi River and threatening drinking water supplies in the southern part of the state.
Last Supermoon of the Year Will be On Display Thursday Night
The last supermoon of the year will be visible on Thursday night.
Your Thursday Weather Forecast for September 28, 2023
Cheddar News checks in with your coast-to-coast weather forecast for Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023.