Introducing a new fitness-related series called Shannon Shapes Up, Cheddar News correspondent Shannon LaNier hits the bag at GRIT BXNG in New York City. Check out the videos below for more on the workouts Shannon learned.
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FBI Takes Down Ransomware Network
The FBI announced it took down a criminal ransomware network used for hundreds of thousands of cyber attacks.
Your Wednesday Weather Forecast for Aug. 30, 2023, Including Idalia Latest
Cheddar News checks in with a coast-to-coast forecast of the weather for Wednesday, August 30, 2023, including the latest on Hurricane Idalia.
Water Pipe Bursts Under Times Square, Flooding Subway
A 127-year-old water main under New York's Times Square gave way early Tuesday, flooding midtown streets and the city's busiest subway station. Service was restored with delays by midday.
Rare Blue Supermoon to Brighten the Night Sky
Better catch the show if you can. There won't be another blue supermoon until 2037.
UK Flight Disruption Could Last 'Some Days'
A technical issue that led to hundreds of flight delays and cancellations in the UK on Monday will take 'some days' to fix.
Your Tuesday Weather Forecast for August 29, 2023, Including Idalia Latest
Cheddar News checks in with a coast-to-coast forecast of the weather for Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2023 and the latest on Hurricane Idalia.
UNC Graduate Student Charged in Chapel Hill Murder
Police charged a graduate student at the University of North Carolina with first-degree murder for allegedly shooting and killing a faculty member.
60th Anniversary of MLK's 'I Have a Dream' Speech
Monday marks 60 years since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' speech during the March on Washington.
Your Monday Weather Forecast for August 28, 2023
Cheddar News checks in with a coast-to-coast forecast of the weather for Monday, Aug. 28, 2023.