One Good Thing: A grandmother is nearly brought to tears after she is surprised with a puppy.
More In Culture
'Parasite' Actor Lee Sun-Kyun Dies at 48
'Parasite' Actor Lee Sun-Kyun Dies at 48
Eiffel Tower Closed Due to Workers Strike
One of the world's great icons, the Eiffel Tower, was closed due to a strike by a staff over contract negotiations.
Signet Jewelers Expects More Engagements in 2024
Engagements are expected to increase this year, according to Signet Jewelers.
Expanding the Life of Your Poinsettias
What do you plan to do with your poinsettias after the holiday season?
Study: Orlando, Not New York, Ranked Best City for New Year's
New York has been dethroned as the best city to celebrate the New Year, according to a new study.
Giving Back to the Community
With the holidays here, there are so many in our communities who are less fortunate and can use our help all year round. Cheddar News visited two organizations in need of volunteers.
Cold Moon, Last Full Moon of the Year
The cold moon was on display Tuesday night.
'Parasite' Star Lee Sun-Kyun Dies at 48
The star of the Oscar-winning film 'Parasite,' Lee Sun-Kyun, was found dead in Seoul, South Korea.