Roughly 25% of people in the U.S. live with air pollution that could shorten their lives, according to a report from the American Lung Association.
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Major Pfizer Plant Back in Production
Major Pfizer Plant Back in Production
Your Tuesday Weather Forecast for September 26, 2023
Cheddar News checks in with your coast-to-coast weather forecast for Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2023.
Rare 'Dumbo' Octopus Found in North Pacific Ocean
Rare 'Dumbo' Octopus Found in North Pacific Ocean
New Orleans Faces Drinking Water Emergency
New Orleans Faces Drinking Water Emergency
Leaf-Peeping Social Media Users Are Clogging a Vermont Back Road. The Town Is Closing It
Social media users take note: You won't be able to snap that fall foliage selfie at a popular Vermont spot. The town has temporarily closed the road to nonresidents due to overcrowding and “poorly behaved tourists.”
Be Well: How Resistance Bands Can Diversify Your Workout
Resistance bands offer versatility in workouts.
Be Well: Destigmatizing Conversations Around Suicide and Mental Health
With September being suicide prevention awareness month, we're talking about normalizing conversations around the topic.
Study: Drug That Mimics Exercise Leads to Weight Loss
A brand new drug that has been tested on mice has been shown to successfully mimic the effects of a vigorous workout.
Study: Long Covid Detectable in Blood Test
A new study has revealed new clues into what may cause long covid.