A man is suing New York City and two detectives for at least $50 million after he was wrongfully convicted in the 1995 killing of a subway token booth clerk.
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Thick Fog Likely Caused a Roughly 30-Vehicle Collision on an Idaho Interstate, Police Say
A thick layer of fog is believed to have caused a roughly 30-vehicle collision on an Idaho interstate, state police said.
Hamas and Israel Exchange More Hostages for Prisoners on Fifth Day of Temporary Cease-Fire
A truce between Israel and Hamas has entered its fifth day, with the militant group promising to release more civilian hostages to delay the expected resumption of the war.
Rosalynn Carter Memorial Service to Be Held Tuesday
A memorial service to honor former First Lady Roslyn Carter will be held Tuesday in Atlanta.
Emergency Rooms Divert Patients After Cyber Attack
Hospitals in at least three states diverted patients from their emergency rooms after a major cyber attack hit their parent company last week.