A man is suing New York City and two detectives for at least $50 million after he was wrongfully convicted in the 1995 killing of a subway token booth clerk.
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Preventing bullying in schools.
Man Charged in Murder-for-Hire Plot on Sikh Activist
Man Charged in Murder-for-Hire Plot on Sikh Activist
Opening Statements Begin in Final Elijah McClain Case Trial
Opening Statements Begin in Final Elijah McClain Case Trial
Alex Murdaugh Sentenced to 27 Years for Financial Crimes
Alex Murdaugh Sentenced to 27 Years for Financial Crimes
Convicted Killer Alex Murdaugh Sentenced to 27 Years for Financial Crimes
Former South Carolina attorney Alex Murdaugh, who was convicted for murdering his wife and son, received another 27-year sentence Tuesday for stealing about $12 million from his clients.
U.S. Military Aircraft Crash Leaves At Least One Dead
At least one person is dead and five are missing after a U.S. military Osprey aircraft crashed off the coast of Japan.
U.S. Air Force Osprey Crashes Off Japan During Training, Killing at Least One of the Eight on Board
Japan’s coast guard has found a person and debris in the ocean where a U.S. military Osprey aircraft carrying six people crashed off southern Japan.
Israeli Military Says 10 Israelis, Four Thai Nationals, Have Been Released by Hamas
International mediators worked Wednesday to extend the truce in Gaza, which will otherwise expire within a day.
White House Holiday Decorations Unveiled
White House Holiday Decorations Unveiled