A fake image of an explosion at the Pentagon made its rounds on Twitter Monday, causing a lot of confusion and a brief dip in the stock market. The photo is believed to have been generated by artificial intelligence and appears to show a cloud of smoke near a building resembling the Pentagon. The image was shared by several verified Twitter accounts with blue check marks, including a Russian government-backed media company. It was also shared within investment circles on Twitter. The account that first shared the image has since been suspended. Officials have confirmed the image is not real.


A Minnesota woman who accidentally flushed her diamond ring down the toilet more than 13 years ago has been reunited with the special piece of jewelry after waste-water workers in Rogers, Minnesota, found it while cleaning a piece of equipment in the town. The gold diamond ring was gifted to Mary strand in 2010 by her husband on their 33rd wedding anniversary. She accidentally flushed it down the toilet, and her husband, who owns a sewer and drain business, tried to get it out with no luck. The couple had even contacted municipal workers to check the pipes and still didn't find the ring — until now. When wastewater workers found the ring in March, the metropolitan council announced it on social media. 

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