How to Prepare for Unexpected Hospital Visits for Yourself or Loved Ones
Dr. Deena Adimoolam-Gupta, a primary care specialist, joined Cheddar News to talk about how people can prepare themselves or their loved ones for emergency hospital visits. She explained that one of the most important things you can do ahead of time is create a fact sheet with all of your pertinent information like name, date of birth, address, and emergency contacts. Gupta also noted the importance of keeping a list of medications on a small piece of paper that can be inserted into a wallet.
With household expenses rising, going green can save you thousands. Cheddar News spoke with Sara Morrow from Consumer Reports about ways to help people slash their bills with climate-friendly home improvements.
A 29-year-old Cincinnati woman was awakened by her Apple Watch, which alerted her about an elevated heart rate, prompting her to head to a doctor who notified her of a blood clot.
A quarantine is in place for a section of Broward county in Florida due to a rise in African land snails, which are harmful to agriculture and can eat their way through about 500 plant species.
Climate change is on trial in Montana. In a landmark case, 16 young people are suing the state over effects like smoke, heat, and drought. It's just the first in a series of cases intended to pressure lawmakers into taking action on the environment. Here with more is Cheddar News Senior Reporter Chloe Aiello.