If you've collected any cards, toys or replicas over the years, you could have some very valuable items in your possession. Cheddar News senior reporter Michelle Castillo went to Comic Con 2023 to learn more about collectibles and to find out what the item ticket items are this year.

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On the Scene: Spin NYC Midtown
Pieter Vanerman, CEO of Spin, joined Cheddar News to discuss the ping-pong franchise, which has nine locations around the U.S. and two in New York City, and also dived into how the business operates, showed what's on the menu and what you can expect when you visit.
Cheddar Paws: Animal Medium Communicates With Pets
Nancy Mello, an animal communicator with Medium, joined Cheddar News to discuss how her love of animals led to a change from doing readings with people and spoke of her experiences and the process of helping animals. Mello also does a live pet reading in studio.
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