Dr. Kristin Hopkins, orthopedic sports medicine at Stony Brook University Hospital, joined Cheddar News with some tips for parents and keeping their active kids safe during the summer.
More In Science
Last Supermoon of the Year to Appear Thursday Night
The fourth and final supermoon of the year will be visible Thursday evening.
FDA Updates Ozempic Label
The Food and Drug Administration updated the labeling for Ozempic acknowledging reports of blocked intestines for those that use the medication.
Your Thursday Weather Forecast for Sept. 28, 2023
Cheddar News checks in with your coast-to-coast weather forecast for Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023.
Weight Loss Drug Use Surges
Weight Loss Drug Use Surges
Stretching Your Dollar: Joining A Gym Vs. Fitness App
Stretching Your Dollar: Joining A Gym Vs. Fitness App
Longest Space Flight in U.S. History Has Landed
A NASA astronaut broke the record for the longest space flight for a U.S. astronaut after landing on Earth early Wednesday.
Report: Solar and EV Sales in Line With Climate Goals
A new report showed an increase in solar and electric vehicle sales was in line with international goals to curb global warming.
Cheddar Weather: Wednesday's Midday Forecast
Cheddar Weather: Wednesday's Midday Forecast
In a Landmark Court Case, 6 Young Climate Activists Take on 32 European Nations
Six young adults and children argued that governments across Europe aren’t doing enough to protect people from climate change at the European Court of Human Rights on Wednesday in the latest and largest instance of activists taking governments to court to force climate action.