An Arkansas resident has died after being infected with a rare brain-eating amoeba.
More In Science
EPA Proposes Banning Cancer-Causing Chemical
The Environmental Protection Agency is proposed banning a cancer-causing chemical that can be found in products like car break cleaners, laundry spot removers and some arts and crafts sprays.
A New RSV Shot for Infants Is in Short Supply
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a warning to doctors, saying a key drug used to prevent respiratory infections in babies is in limited supply.
Your Tuesday Weather Forecast for Oct. 24, 2023
Cheddar News checks in with your coast-to-coast weather forecast for Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023.
EPA Proposes Ban on Cancer-Causing Chemical
EPA Proposes Ban on Cancer-Causing Chemical
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Be Well: Improving Mobility and Motion With the 3D Workout
How to incorporate the 3D workout into your fitness routine.
Study: Moon Surface Older Than Previously Thought
New research suggests the moon's surface is much older than previously thought.
Report: 'Toddler Milk' Has No Nutritional Benefits
A new study from the American Academy of Pediatrics found that toddler milk has no nutritional benefits.
Moon Could Be 40 Million Years Older Than Previously Thought
Moon Could Be 40 Million Years Older Than Previously Thought